No. 1

The Journal of Historical Review - cover

Volume Two · Number One · Spring 1981

Between 1980 and 2002, The Journal of Historical Review was published by the Institute for Historical Review. It used to be the publishing flagship of the revisionist community, but it ceased to exist in 2002 for a number of reasons, mismanagement and lack of dedication being some of them. CODOH mirrors the old papers that were published in that journal.

Buchenwald and After

In 1942 I was served with a warrant for my arrest by the Gestapo. The warrant alleged that I was “corrupting the unity of the German people during wartime.” I appealed against this warrant of arrest but heard absolutely nothing more about it. On 5 October I arrived in Buchenwald after having spent two nights…

'Holocaust” Pharmacology vs. Scientific Pharmacology

The Death Camp Treblinka: A Documentary, edited by Alexander Donat, Holocaust Library, New York, 320pp, hardback, $9.95, ISBN: 0-89604-009-7 This book is presented as a documentary, and indeed is catalogued as such in the Library of Congress Index. The editor has authored only ten pages of the text, the rest is a collection of testimonies…

Letters to the Editor

8 October 1980 Dear Mr. Branton: [sic] Thank you for writing in response to People Weekly's 25 August issue article on Samuel Pisar. We are glad to have the opportunity to respond to your comments. Mr. Pisar's assertion regarding the existence of a gas chamber compound at Auschwitz is supported by reputable sources too numerous…

Raphael Lemkin and the Invention of “Genocide'

Late in November 1944, midway during what the bible of the publishing industry, Publishers Weekly, prominently promoted as “Jewish Book Month” (10 November-10 December), Columbia University Press was credited with quietly releasing, without prestigious fanfare, a large (712pp) volume titled Axis Rule in Occupied Europe: Laws of Occupation, Analysis of Government, Proposals for Redress. Authored…

The Japanese Camps in California

In the months following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, many expected an immediate attack against the West Coast. Fear gripped the country and a wave of hysterical antipathy against the Japanese engulfed the Pacific Coast. The FBI quickly began rounding up any and all “suspicious” Japanese for internment. None was ever charged with any…

The Big Lie Technique in the Sandbox

One of today's pet Indisputable Historical Truths is that the German Chancellor Adolf Hitler advocated the “Big Lie Technique” to discredit and confuse one's political opponents. However, a close look at the German leader's writings displays a somewhat different approach. On pages 134, and 173 of Mein Kampf (My Stuggle) (Hurst & Blackett edition, 1942;…

A Note From The Editor

This issue, we are again privileged to welcome new names onto our distinguished Editorial Advisory Committee. Percy L. Greaves Jr. graduated in Business from Syracuse University in 1929, and studied Economics at Columbia University in New York City. He later worked as Financial Editor of the (now merged) U.S. News. In 1980, he ran as…

The Holocaust Debate

Since I was a speaker at the convention here in this city of Los Angeles last year, it seems to me very little has changed in America since that time. You seem to be still living in a “1984” situation where important public issues can't be debated in the media. Perhaps you need some guarantee…

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