Title page TR 1/2003

Volume 1 · 2003

Between early 2003 and early 2005, The Revisionist was edited and published by Germar Rudolf. He was working on the second issue of the year 2005 when he was arrested by the U.S. authorities and subsequently deport to Germany (see his website for more info). Hence this magazine suddenly ceased to exist.

Click on the individual issue number for a list of that number’s articles.


Thanksgiving in Jail

On Wednesday, the final day in this round of Revisionist publisher Ernst Zündel’s detention hearing before Mr. Justice Pierre Blais, Donald MacIntosh, the Crown Attorney, talked out the clock, ensuring that Mr. Zündel will remain in prison for another 13 weeks until the hearings resume for three days on December 10 [2003]. Hour after hour,…

My Memories of Jean-Claude Pressac

In spring of 1987, the first issue of the journal Annales d'Histoire Révisionniste appeared in France, containing, i.a., a long article authored by me, "Le mythe de l'extermination des Juifs. Introduction historico-bibliographique à l'historiographie révisionniste".[1] Other articles contributed by me appeared in the issues no. 3 and 5.[2] The latter issue also carried a French…

The Double Agent

In May of 1993 great doings were afoot at Max-Planck Institute for Solid State Physics in Stuttgart. One of the young PhD candidates there had become involved in a scandal, which was making news throughout Germany. The name of the PdD candidate was Germar Rudolf, the author of these lines. My scandalous activity consisted of…

The Fate of Joel Hayward in New Zealand Hands

For the past three years, newspapers, national periodical publications and television programmes have intermittently provided coverage about the Joel Hayward affair: a story of a New Zealand student who wrote a controversial thesis. Contestable work and arguable conclusions are not uncommon in modern universities but Hayward's unpublished work as a student seems to remain, after…

Book Notices

Edwin Black, War against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race, Four Walls Eight Windows, New York 2003, 592 pp., hardcover, $27 War against the Weak is a much-heralded attempt to make the American eugenics movement of the early twentieth century the direct inspiration for Hitler’s euthanasia program, if not the…

Foreign Workers in the Third Reich

Between 1997 and 2001, a broad media campaign occurred in Germany reporting about the widespread use of so-called forced laborers in Germany during the Third Reich period. These people were brought into the German Reich from German-occupied territories allegedly against their free will, and it is claimed that these persons were exploited and treated inhumanely….

Genocide by Shovel and Sewing Machine

Michael Thad Allen, The Business of Genocide: The SS, Slave Labor and the Concentration Camps, University of North Carolina Press, Chapel Hill, NC, 2002, 377 pp., hardcover, $39.95. Michael Thad Allen is assistant professor of modern German history and the history of technology at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta. Despite its burlesque title,…

The War on Iraq: Conceived in Israel

In a lengthy article in The American Conservative criticizing the rationale for the projected U.S. attack on Iraq, the veteran diplomatic historian Paul W. Schroeder noted (only in passing) “what is possibly the unacknowledged real reason and motive behind the policy-security for Israel.” If Israel's security were indeed the real American motive for war, Schroeder…

Letters to the Editor

In General To the Editor: World War II is the biggest war that has ever happened. Therefore it is necessary that an honest objective investigation be carried out by our government as to the true cause of this unfortunate war. Everything that is taught about this war and all the material that is available to…

Battlefield Patriotism

Richard Holmes, Battlefields of the Second World War, BBC, London 2003 (c. 2001). Paperback. 222 pages. Photographs, inc. color, maps. Index. ISBN: 0563488123 Professor Richard Holmes, Director of Cranfield University’s Security Studies Institute, presenter of the BBC TV series Battlefields of the Second World War, and author of the accompanying book of the same name,…

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