On the Holocaust Controversy

Nos. 178 to 187 · www.Codoh.com · 2011

Revisionist News & Comments

All the issues of this year are listed as subcategories below.

Hillel: The Invidious Reader

I never took journalism (or “communications,” as it’s now known in many places), but I’d caution you, the Campus Editor, to beware the Invidious Reader. Of course, Readers, in and of themselves, are each by default a “good thing.” So much for default. There are, as might be taught in some journalism course, different types…

Michael Santomauro in “The Wall Street Journal”?

Briefly, the offices of a satirical French weekly newspaper, Charlie Hebdo (Charlie Weekly) were firebombed the first week in November http://tinyurl.com/68sq7jy . Charlie, which has a history of publishing cartoons and other materials offensive to many Muslims, was scheduled to publish a special edition of the paper purporting to have Muhammad Himself as guest editor….

CODOH Urges President of Humboldt University, Berlin

Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz, PresidentHumboldt UniversityBerlin, Germany[email protected] San Diego, Cal., November 9, 2011 Dear Prof.-Dr. Olbertz: Through its law school, Humboldt University is hosting a conference this month whose purpose is hostile to freedom of expression. Not only is your august institution making its Grimm Auditorium available for the sessions, two members of the Law…

CODOH Challenges the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (IAJLJ)

San Diego, Cal., November 7, 2011 Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH) calls attention to the activities of the International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists (IAJLJ). It is holding a massive promotional event in Berlin entitled “Holocaust Denial and Freedom of Speech in the Internet Era” November 15 to 19, 2011 The…


*** When we got back from the VA the other night I found that my email account held 38,800 messages. That was about 38,750 too many. What to do? Well, I erased them, everything. I didn’t have time to go through 38,000 emails to look for half a dozen that might be important. It went…

Smith’s Report, no. 182

The Savage, the Academic, and the Brainwashed By Bradley Smith One afternoon I was on the Michael Savage website, I don't remember exactly why, when I found a YouTube video that appeared to work with the Holocaust a bit. I clicked onto the video and was startled to hear a sudden, high-volume shouting exhibition by…

Smith’s Report, no. 183

POSTMEMORYThe Use of Transgenerational Memory to Ensure Transgenerational Reparations David Merlin Postmemory is a theoretical construct created by Columbia University professor Marianne Hirsch that effectively creates yet a new tool to be used in the ongoing, transgenerational Holocaust fundraising industry. The theory is that children and grandchildren experience the pain and suffering of their grandparents…

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