The International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg, organized by the Americans, but held in unison by all four victorious powers, gave the lynching of the German political elite a pseudo-legal cover. To this day, orthodox scholars laud this high-profile lynch party as a paragon of justice – which tells more about those scholars than about that tribunal.

After the IMT, the Americans conducted a number of further lynch parties in Nuremberg all by themselves (NMT). These were a continuation of the decapitation of Germany started at the IMT, although the other three victorious powers refused to cooperate, as they had their own fish to fry.

The contributions listed here take a critical look into these trials.

Remembering the Russian Crime at Katyn

By Richard A. Widmann- This week, Russian lawmakers passed a bill that would make Holocaust revisionism illegal.  The bill introduces criminal charges for “denying facts” established by the Nuremberg tribunal regarding the crimes of the Axis powers, as well as “disseminating false information about Soviet actions” during the war.  Punishment for such violations would range…

No Peace for Rudolf Hess

In July news circled the globe that the body of Rudolf Hess, the one-time deputy to Adolf Hitler, was exhumed from a family funeral plot. His bones were cremated and scattered at an undisclosed location at sea. Karl-Willi Beck, the mayor of the Bavarian town of Wunsiedel where Hess was buried, justified the action by…

Katyn: Unanswered Questions

The air crash earlier this year in Russia in which the Polish premier and many senior members of his government perished, briefly brought Katyn back into public consciousness. They had been journeying there to commemorate the tragic events in 1940 in which 15,000 Polish officers were murdered by the Soviet NKVD. The events in the…

Genocide at Nuremberg[1]

This is the site of the infamous Belsen Concentration Camp liberated by the British on 15th April 1945. 10,000 unburied dead were found here. Another 13,000 have since died. All of them victims of the German New Order in Europe and an example of Nazi Kultur.[2] The genocidal underbelly of Nazism, most of which is…

Publish the Rosenberg Diaries

By Richard A. Widmann- Recent news accounts tell how the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) have located the long-lost diary of Alfred Rosenberg.  While it is certainly surprising, to me at least, that ICE and Homeland Security spend their time looking for lost documents from the Second World War, the…

Made-for-TV Movie More Fair than the “War Crimes” Trial It Depicts

““Nuremberg”” (television drama miniseries). Based on the book Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial, by Joseph E. Persico. Screenplay by David Rintels. Produced by Alec Baldwin, Jon Cornick, Gerry Abrams, Suzanne Girard, and Peter Sussman. Directed by Yves Simoneau. Turner Network Television (TNT). Actual running time: 180 minutes (four hours with commercials, in two parts). First segment…

Nuremberg: Woe to the Vanquished

Nuremberg: The Last Battle, by David Irving. London: Focal Point, 1996. Hardcover. 380 pp. Photos. Source notes. Index. (Available for sale from the IHR for $39.95, plus shipping.) Daniel W. Michaels is a Columbia University graduate As Jackson came to more fully understand the (Phi Beta Kappa, 1954), a Fulbright exchange student to Germany (1957),…

Retirement, “Nuremberg” and Auschwitz “Rambo'

Retiring, Not Quitting Doug Collins, an award-winning journalist, has worked for several Canadian daily newspapers, and is the author of several books. He served with the British army during the Second World War, and then with the British control commission in postwar occupied Germany. The three essays published here are reprinted from his columns in…

An Old/New Perspective on the Nuremberg Process

The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials, by Telford Taylor. Alfred A. Knopf and Sons, New York, 1992. Hardcover. 703 pages. Photographs. Bibliography. Notes. Index. $35.00. ISBN: 0-394-58355-8. Andrew Gray, a writer and translator, is a former office director in the US Department of Commerce. He lives in Georgetown, Washington, DC. “All in all, the members…

The Legacy of Rudolf Hess

On the evening of May 10, 1941, the Deputy Führer of the Third Reich set out on a secret mission that was to be his last and most important. Under cover of darkness, Rudolf Hess took off in an unarmed Messerschmidt 110 fighter-bomber from an Augsburg airfield and headed across the North Sea toward Britain….

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