The International Military Tribunal (IMT) at Nuremberg, organized by the Americans, but held in unison by all four victorious powers, gave the lynching of the German political elite a pseudo-legal cover. To this day, orthodox scholars laud this high-profile lynch party as a paragon of justice – which tells more about those scholars than about that tribunal.

After the IMT, the Americans conducted a number of further lynch parties in Nuremberg all by themselves (NMT). These were a continuation of the decapitation of Germany started at the IMT, although the other three victorious powers refused to cooperate, as they had their own fish to fry.

The contributions listed here take a critical look into these trials.

Grand Admiral Karl Doenitz: Last President of a United Germany

On the afternoon of 30 April 1945, with Berlin engulfed in flames and besieged by the Russians, the Hero of the Second World War[1] took his own life in his cement bunker beneath the chancellery complex. This courageous act, perhaps the ultimate act of courage, represented the termination of the heroic last stand of Western…

Doenitz at Nuremberg

Doenitz at Nuremberg: A Re-Appraisal, edited by H.K. Thompson, Jr. and Henry Strutz, preface by Justice William L. Hart, Amber Publishing (available from the IHR), Hb, 230pp heavily illustrated $11.00, ISBN 0-916788-01-6. This exceptionally comprehensive book was dedicated to Admiral Karl Doenitz, “a naval officer of unexcelled ability and unequalled courage who, in his nation's…

The Man who Knew too Much

Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, Stephen Prior, Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up, Warner Little Brown & Co Ltd, 2002, 608pp., $16.95 Martin Allen, The Hitler-Hess Deception. British Intelligence’s Best-kept Secret of the Second World War, Harper Collins, NY 2003, 352pp., $27.99 More than half a century ago, in May of 1941, during a conflict that…

Outlaw History #23

This is the week that whoever is in charge of such things decided to make the earth tremble, and the sea to rise, and for great tsunamis to swamp several tens of thousands of unsuspecting people in various countries in Southeast Asia. The television screens are full of it. It's horrific. A great catastrophe. There…

Lithuanian Historian Accused of “Denying the Holocaust”

By Thomas Kues On 25 November 2010 the AFP news bureau reported the following: “A Lithuanian historian quit his civil service job Thursday after seven ambassadors from fellow European nations accused him of denying the Holocaust. Lithuania's interior ministry said that Petras Stankeras, an independent historian who also held a middle-ranking post in its planning…

The Führerbefehl according to the WJC in 1945: “All Jews must die, but not before going through suffering and agony”

By Thomas Kues- In 1945, the World Jewish Congress prepared a report on the “Criminal Conspiracy” against the Jews perpetrated by the Third Reich for the authorities in charge of bringing about the International Military Tribunal. Of this report, the chapter “Charge Eight: Mass Annihilation, part II” is of special interest. The document, which is…

Documentary Evidence

At the end of WWII, the Allies decided to try the German leadership for alleged war crimes. The background to this decision was spelled out in some detail in the "Moscow Declaration" of October 30, 1943. The Russians (I know that it is politically correct to call them "Soviets", but just like the "Nazis" were…

Preface to Heresy in Twenty-First Century France

Historical revisionism, the great intellectual adventure of the late twentieth century, continues at the dawn of the twenty-first, as perilous as ever. But what is known of the revisionists? What stuff are they made of, these unsubdued people who, in France or abroad, persist in braving the written and unwritten laws? They are hunted, caught…

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