Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Martin Larson

Martin A. Larson Dr. Martin A. Larson, a good friend of the Institute for Historical Review since its founding, died on January 16 in Arizona at the age of 96. He spoke at the first IHR conference, held at Northrop University in Los Angeles in 1979, dedicating this first-ever International Revisionist Conference to the memory…

Cole on Morton Downey Show

David Cole appeared on the nationally-broadcast Morton Downey television show, on the episode aired October 13 (or 14), 1993. Downey was at his typically raving and vicious worst, loudly denouncing Cole as “crap,” and saying that the young Jewish Holocaust revisionist should be given “a damn good spanking.”

Willis Carto and the IHR

Willis Carto is perhaps best known as the founder and director of Liberty Lobby, an organization based in Washington, DC that publishes a weekly tabloid paper, The Spotlight. Carto has also been affiliated with the Institute for Historical Review since its founding in 1978. As those who have attended recent IHR conferences know, the IHR…

Fred Leuchter Arrested in Germany

Fred A. Leuchter, Jr., the American execution hardware specialist who insists that claims of wartime mass gassings at Auschwitz are not true, was arrested in Cologne, Germany, on October 28, half an hour before his scheduled appearance on a television show. Fred Leuchter Leuchter was arrested without an arrest warrant or formal charges. He was…

Victory for Irving in Australia Free Speech Struggle

In an important victory for free speech and open debate on the Holocaust issue, Australia’s Federal Court on September 16 unanimously overturned an earlier decision by immigration authorities to reject the visa application of David Irving. Any decision about a visa application by Irving, the high court ruled, must now be reconsidered “by law.” There…

Hellmut Diwald, German Professor

One of Germany’s best-known and most controversial historians, Hellmut Diwald, died on May 26, 1993. A skilled writer and an eloquent public speaker, he was not only one of his people’s most widely read historians, he was unquestionably one of the most gifted and courageous. No ivory tower academic, he learned what it meant to…

In Europe: Further Legal Persecution of Revisionists

German University Professor Charged for Holocaust Remarks A respected German university professor has been charged with “popular incitement” because he told some colleagues six years ago that the Holocaust story is not true. Rainer Ballreich, who teaches “biomechanics” at the sports institute of the University of Frankfurt, reportedly told a few colleagues at a 1987…

British Historian Hugh Trevor-Roper On the Gerstein ‘Confessions,’ the Roques Thesis, and the Gas Chamber Question

While serving as a British army intelligence officer during the Second World War, Hugh-Trevor Roper earned a reputation as a leading expert on the German military intelligence service. At the end of the war, he was called upon to investigate the many stories then circulating about Hitler’s fate. The results of his inquiry, which he…

New Attack Against Faurisson and Rami in Stockholm

Even before he arrived in Stockholm in late May, French professor and revisionist scholar Robert Faurisson was expecting trouble. This would be his third visit to the Swedish capital at the invitation of Moroccan-born refugee, author and revisionist activist Ahmed Rami. A few days earlier, the militant Jewish organization “Betar” had annnounced in Paris that…

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