Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

Should Germany and Austria Tolerate Holocaust Revisionism?

In recent times three major figures of the Holocaust revisionist movement, Ernst Zündel, Germar Rudolf, and David Irving, were arrested and are going to be put on trial for denying the Holocaust. Zündel and Rudolf in Germany, and Irving in Austria. Germany and Austria both have harsh laws that proscribe Holocaust revisionist viewpoints. In the…

Germar Rudolf: Victim of Witchhunt for Scientists in Germany

We demand: §19 of UN Charter of Human Rights (human right of free speech) must be valid for German Scientists too! We demand: §6 Sec. 3 of European Human Rights Convention (right to have one's own case fairly presented) must be valid for German Scientists too! This flyer, further info and publications from: [address no…

Prisoners of Conscience and Holocaust Revisionism

President George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NWWashington, DC 20500 December 28, 2005 Dear President Bush, In a public statement issued on December 10, 2005 , you called for the immediate and unconditional release of prisoners of conscience by the Syrian authorities, labeling the imprisonment of these individuals as an example of the government…

With Regard to Your Article “Don't Even Think It”

Dear Mr. Stang: I applaud your article, “Don't Even Think It.” This is one of the few commentaries I have read which defends the rights of Holocaust revisionists generally and David Irving and Germar Rudolf specifically. To be upfront, I am a Holocaust revisionist. I have met both Mr. Rudolf and Mr. Irving personally. For…

Free Speech, Free David Irving

Christopher Jon Bjerknes is a historian of science who has published several books and articles on the history of the theory of relativity. His work has been cited in peer reviewed journals and books. He writes: “I am deeply troubled by the persecution of historians taking place in Europe today.” The following 10,000-word article explains…

Germar Rudolf Deported to Germany for Thoughtcrimes

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Revisionist author and scholar Germar Rudolf, who has been wanted in Germany for violating a law against “Holocaust Denial,” was deported last night by the Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The United States deportation of Germar Rudolf, ended a decade of…

France Sentences Revisionist to Six Months Imprisonment

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell On October 5, 2005, by decision of the high court of Limoges, François Cassasus-Builhé presiding, Georges Theil was convicted under Frances Loi Gayssot (anti-revisionist law). Mr Theil's crime was having sent a few individuals copies of the book that he published in 2002, under the pseudonym…

Why I Admire Ernst Zündel

How could anyone admire a man that publicly admits admiration for Adolf Hitler, that openly acknowledges himself to be a “Holocaust skeptic,” and who never apologizes for his political incorrectness and nonconformist views? Who could possibly approve of a man who has put his personal freedom and indeed life on the line countless times in…

The Holocaust, Palestine and Israel: Revision, Denial and Myth

The murderous treatment of European Jews during the Second World War has become almost legendary in its depiction as a unique and singularly important example of bigoted inhumanity, carried to barbarous extremes. No other experience from among the overwhelming number of historic cases of mass brutality has ever achieved such status in western consciousness, partly…

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