Revisionist Personalities

(Auto)biographic accounts of revisionist authors, usually related to their revisionist endeavors, leading to various kinds of persecutorial measures. This is not a list of authors of contributions posted on this site. For this see the “Authors” entry in the “Search the library” widget in the left sidebar.

The Trial of O.J. Lipstadt

Everyone is familiar with the fact that a court case has two aspects. On the one hand, there is the case as it is decided in a court of law, on the other hand, there is the case as it is decided in the court of public opinion. Frequently a victory in one venue can…

Australian Jews take Legal action against Dr. Töben

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell Australia's Jewish community has taken court action against Dr. Fredrick Töben, director of the revisionist think tank, the Adelaide Institute . The Executive Council of Australian Jewry is seeking the enforcement of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission (HREOC) order that Holocaust revisionist material be…

Police Search!

Today at 7.45 am four police officers carried out an extensive search of my house. They acted under a warrant issued by the Parisian examining magistrate (juge d'instruction) Jean-Paul Valat. Three of them had come from Paris and the fourth from the local Vichy police station. They found none of the objects for which they…

Holocaust Orthodoxy: The Road Paved with Moral Certainty

Probably the greatest letdown yet for the traditional Holocaust school of thought came during the second week of the Irving vs. Lipstadt libel trial, currently underway in London. While many prominent defenders of the usual story had predicted that Irving would be forced to concede that he was wrong, and that Holocaust Revisionism would be…

The Great Holocaust Trial

The Great Holocaust Trial. Expanded, Third Commemorative Edition, by Michael A. Hoffman II. New York: Wiswell Ruffin House, 1995. Softcover. 144 pages. Notes. Bibliography. $12.95. ISBN 0-929903-05-6. This volume can be purchased from: “Remarks”, PO Box 234, Aurora, NY 13026-0234, USA for $20.00. The Great Holocaust Trial is the sort of book that should be…

Censorship Ordered Against Adelaide Institute Website

“Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death.”George Orwell An Australian commission ordered that the Adelaide Institute stop publishing Holocaust revisionist material on their Website. The curiously named Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission does not support freedom of speech when it comes to revisionist material. The Commission ordered Dr. Frederick Toben to remove all…

Some plain talk about the Holocaust and Revisionism

When this newspaper printed Bradley Smith's advertisment last Thursday (“The Holocaust Story,” April 4, page 11), it fanned not one, but two, gathering controversies on campus. The first concerns our knowledge about the Nazi massacre of the Jews of Europe. The second centers on the policies of The Daily itself. Surprisingly perhaps, the first issue…

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