Hitler, Adolf

The “greatest leader of all times,” as German propaganda had it during his 12 year reign, whose leadership led to the utter devastation of his own nation and the ruin of much of Europe…

Kennedy’s 1945 Visit to Germany

A youthful John F. Kennedy In late July and early August 1945, just weeks after the end of the war in Europe, the 28-year-old John F. Kennedy visited war-devastated Germany. Accompanying him on this tour was US Navy Secretary James Forrestal (whom President Truman later appointed as the first Secretary of Defense). Kennedy recorded his…

Gertrude Stein’s Complex Worldview

Gertrude Stein with American novelist Thornton Wilder, southern France, summer 1937. Scholars of the life of Gertrude Stein were recently startled to learn that in 1938 the prominent Jewish-American writer had spearheaded a campaign urging the Nobel committee to award its Peace Prize to Adolf Hitler. This was disclosed by Gustav Hendrikksen, a former member…

Hitler as “Enlightenment Intellectual': The Enduring Allure of Hitlerism

Hitler as Philosophe: Remnants of the Enlightenment in National Socialism, by Lawrence Birken. Westport, Conn.: Praeger, 1995. Hardcover. 120 pages. Reference notes. Bibliography. Index. $45.00.  A specter is haunting the world – the specter of Hitlerism. That, in short, is the stern warning of this provocative book, written by an Assistant Professor of History at…

My Patient, Hitler

“My Patient, Hitler,” by Dr. Eduard Bloch “as told to J. D. Ratcliff,” originally appeared in two parts in the March 15 and March 22, 1941, issues of Collier's magazine. In those pre-television days, Collier's was one of the most influential and widely-read periodicals in the United States. Regarded by serious historians as an important…

The Enigma of Hitler

In the following essay Leon Degrelle provides a good example of his writing style and historical perspective. He writes about Adolf Hitler – a man he knew personally and to whom he had sworn an unconditional oath of obedience – not as a dispassionate historian, but as a devoted admirer. Himself one of this century's…

The Negro Soldier

One piece of official US war propaganda is a wartime film (1945) entitled: The Negro Soldier. (http://tinyurl.com/9szf438) It was one of Frank Capra's “masterpieces.” Although Capra was not Jewish (which he regretted later in life as he explained as a reason for his not being much more successful in Hollywood), it seems that most of…

Rauschning’s Phony “Conversations With Hitler': An Update

One of the most widely quoted sources of information about Hitler's personality and secret intentions is the supposed memoir of Hermann Rauschning, the National Socialist President of the Danzig Senate in 1933-1934 who was ousted from the Hitler movement a short time later and then made a new life for himself as a professional anti-Nazi….

“Who Remembers the Armenians?” – Hitler Quote a Forgery

Dr. Robert John, a historian and political analyst of Armenian descent from New York City, declared that a commonly used quotation of an alleged statement by Adolf Hitler concerning the Armenian massacres during World War One was a forgery and should not be used. Dr. John demonstrated how he had traced the original document in…

The Courage of a Secure Retiree

Werner Maser, Fälschung, Dichtung und Wahrheit über Hitler und Stalin, Olzog, Munich 2004, cloth, 478 pp., €34.– The End of Clichés Did Hitler have Jewish ancestors? Was he a homosexual? Was he a carpet-biting psychopath? Was he an untalented postcard-painter during his youth? Or was he even a lazy good-for-nothing? Or perhaps he suffered under…

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