World War II

On 8 May 1995, the British prime minister, John Major, referred to the end of World War II as the end of a thirty years’ war; in this, he was correct: both sides saw this war as an attempt to complete a task left undone at the close of the First World War – the show-down which ended European global domination. The Second World War was, however, the ultimate catastrophe of modern history, laying waste the heart and soul of Europe. Here you will find contributions about this conflict, its prelude, conduct, and personalities – excluding non-military Nazi personalities, which are covered under the entry “Third Reich Era.” Also covered are contributions dealing with war crimes (and lies about alleged war crimes) committed in the course of the conflict. This does not include the “Holocaust,” which has a separate entry (and is not a war crime in the strict sense).

Hitler’s Revolution Ideology Social Programs Foreign Affairs Chapter 3 European Diplomacy (2:22:27)

Hitler's Revolution Ideology Social Programs Foreign Affairs Chapter 3 European Diplomacy  In this (Two hour and 22 minutes) video, we look at the reasoning behind National Socialist Germany as represented by Hitler’s Revolution in 1933. Based on the detailed book by Richard Tedor, the foreign affairs in the period 1933 to 1939 are superbly analysed…

Hitler’s Revolution Ideology Social Programs Foreign Affairs Chapter 1 Ideology (1:30:55)

In this (One hour and 30 minutes) video, we look at the reasoning behind National Socialist Germany as represented by Hitler’s Revolution in 1933. Based on the detailed book by Richard Tedor, the themes of ideology, social programs and foreign affairs are superbly analysed and details of how the National Socialists came to their conclusions…

David Irving on Churchills Drunkenness and Character (17:09 min)

David Irving on Churchills Drunkenness and Character. In this fascinating (17 minute) video, David Irving, the brilliant author, incredible researcher and author of numerous books, talks about the character of Winston Spencer-Churchill. David gives numerous examples of how Churchill was drunk as a skunk on numerous occasions. Even Roosevelt called Churchill a “drunken bum”. David cites…

Jim Rizoli, Diane King and Mike King Discuss WW II

In this video (59 minutes), Jim Rizoli, an active fighter against the "Holocaust" atrocity lie, and the delightful Diane King talk to Mike King (no relation to Diane), a renowned specialist of the (so-called) Second World War. Mike talks about various aspects of WW2, including why the internment of the Jews by the Germans took place in 1941,…

Hamburg Holocaust 1943

This 3 minute clip tells of the RAF bombing of Hamburg. In July 1943, the RAF  launched a massive bomber raid (Operation Gomorrah) on Hamburg on the orders of Winston (Spencer-) Churchill with the aim to kill as many German civilians as possible. An war crime, it killed an estimated 37,000 civilians and wounded 180,000…

Prof. Robert Faurisson Germans Punished by Germans during World War II for Mistreating Jews

Professor Robert Faurrisson shows how Germans were punished by the wartime German Government for the mis-treatment and killing of Jews. Professor Robert Faurisson is renowned for his question, "show me or draw me a gas chamber!". In this 56 minute video, Professor Robert Faurisson, a foremost French scholar, talks to the Insitute of Historical Review in…

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