
What were the reasons for World War II? Of course, Hitler attacked Poland. On the other hand, when Stalin invaded Poland and then attacked Finland a few months later, nobody declared war on the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, Hitler tried to negotiate a settlement. So what were the reasons for World War II? The Versailles “Peace Treaty” had created so many injustices in Europe that it bore within itself the seeds of a new war. One ought not neglect the colonial arms race in the Pacific between the newcomer Japan and the old European colonial powers…

The Soviet Union Conspired to Foment World War II and Infiltrate the U.S. Government

Germany’s invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 is widely interpreted by historians as an unprovoked act of aggression by Germany. Adolf Hitler is typically described as an untrustworthy liar who maliciously broke the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact he had signed with the Soviet Union. Historians usually depict Joseph Stalin as an unprepared victim of Hitler’s aggression who was foolish to have trusted Hitler. This article will show that, contrary to this traditional historical narrative, Stalin conspired to start World War II and infiltrate the U.S. government to initiate American involvement in the war.

Why Germany Invaded Poland

Establishment historians characterize Germany’s invasion of Poland as an unprovoked act of aggression designed to fulfill Adolf Hitler’s desire for Lebensraum. This article will show, however, that Poland’s atrocities against its German minority forced Germany’s invasion of Poland.

Gleiwitz: A False, False Flag?

Nothing unusual happened at the Gleiwitz transmitter station on the night/early morning of 31 August. There was certainly no false-flag event initiated by SS or SD troops there. However, a few vexing questions remain unanswered According to most historians, the Gleiwitz Incident is the “false flag” that touched off World War II in Europe. Put…

Origins of the Japanese-American War

One important, but often overlooked element of the causes of the Second World War is economics. In fact, it may be said that World War II was a conflict between two systems of economy: free trade, or what is today called globalization, and autarchy, or the economic self-sufficiency of states or more commonly trading blocs, including…

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