Holohoax Tales Nazis Climbed Chairs and Threw Zyklon B Through the Windows (1:12 min)
One of the things that one must remember about the "Holocau$t" is that it is just nonsense, it's just LUNATIC propaganda. Here, a Jew who claims to be a witness [LOL – more like witless!] who worked with the SS [!], claims he had to keep silent [LOL!] while his fellow Jews were being "gassed" [LOL!]. The SS shut the "gas chamber" door, which closed from the outside [LOL!] and then two SS men got up on chairs [LOL!] and threw the gas pellets [containing Zyclon or Cyclone B] through the "windows" [LOL!]. The Jews then began "screaming" [LOL!] until they were all dead in ten or fifteen minutes [LOL!] and then the SS started shouting at this Jew witness [LOL – more like witless!] to pull out all the bodies. Of course this witness [LOL – more like witless!] just complied. Luckily, he survived to become a "witless" to the events [LOL!].
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