Professor Robert Faurisson, noted French revisionist, gives a speech about the "Holocau$t".
Professor Robert Faurisson, wrote many articles and books rebutting the "Holocau$t". He asked the Zionist liars to show him or draw him a "gas chamber", something they were not able to do. Professor Robert Faurisson, was attacked many times by Zionist thugs or their Communist and several times was beaten severly. He was dragged through the courts in his native France, and fined many times. It was Professor Robert Faurisson who suggested to his deep friend, Ernst Zundel, that they find an expert on "gas chambers" to investigate "gas chambers" at Auschwitz. Such an expert, would be an American, said Professor Robert Faurisson. After a long search, the expert was found, and this led to the classic Leuchter report. The Leuchter report has never been rebutted by any "Holocau$t" liar and never will be.
Professor Robert Faurisson fought the "Holocau$t" literally to his last breath. He gave his last speech in England, October 20th, 2018 before his death the following day. He died of a heart attack at age 89.
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