Memorabilia: Prof. Arthur Butz, Historical Past vs Political Present at the 13th IHR Conference
Professor Dr. Arthur Butz speaking at the 13th IHR Conference in 2000, on the topic "Historical Past vs. Political Present". Arthur R. Butz was born and raised in New York City. In 1965 he received his doctorate in Control Sciences from the University of Minnesota. In 1966 he joined the faculty of Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, where he became associate professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering. In addition to numerous technical papers, Dr. Butz is the author of The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, first published in 1976. In this video (1 hour and 21 minutes long) Greg Raven introduces Professor Arthur Butz, the author of the pioneering revisionist study "The Hoax of the 20th Century". In his speech, Professor Butz talks of the historical past and the Political Present (in 2000). Professor Butz thanks Greg for his introduction and jokingly says that it would be good for a few beers, leading to laughs from the large crowd. Professor Butz is a wit, and referring to a Jewish professor who claimed the "revisionists" are charlatans, he cites a source which also claimed another group were also "charlatans", leading to more laughs from the packed audience. Professor Butz told the audience about developments in the revisionist research field. One was a development involving the Berlin Document Center, where the Federal Republic is taking over control from the allies of this center which holds a large amount of SS files. Zionists in America had got "monitor access", which is suspicious. When Professor Butz tried to use the Computerized Index in US he was told it was not working, Whether intentional or not it meant that revisionist researchers were at risk of arrest by the puppet regime if going to Berlin. Professor Butz also spoke of the David Irving Trial, where he explained and clarified some of his expert witness statements. The only "evidence" for mass gassing comes virtually from so-called eyewitnesses, which is countered by the forensic evidence. Jewish so-called "experts" tend to readjust the accounts of the "eyewitnesses" in order to meet the forensic evidence. He cites the extra-ordinary statement made by the Krakow Institute of Forensic Research, which declaring of the Iron Cyanide residues, say they ignore it as they don't know how they got on the walls of the chamber. Professor Butz, replies that he doesn't know how the moon got there, but it would silly to ignore the tides. Professor Butz talks about the extraordinary claims of a certain Shermer who attacked Butz with claims that the evidence for "homocidal gas chambers" is convergent, but it couldn't be covered in one article. Professor Butz replied that lack of scientific and design evidence actually proves the opposite to be true, and even more so, the lies pumped out by the Allies. Professor Butz addresses the use of semantics by holocaust hate atrocity propagandists, and rebutts them by a referral to a speech of Himmler's in 1937. Professor Butz also addresses the Gas Chamber and Crematorium issues, in which hatemongers state were not built as gas chambers, but were cellars to store cadavers (until they could be cremated upstairs) and then converted to be "gas chambers". This speech by Professor Butz shows the brilliance of his pioneering work which is a major step forward in rebutting the "holocaust" hate atrocity propaganda myth.
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