Open Debate as Anti-Jewish Hatred
Below an article headlined “Holocaust Denial Seen Gaining Ground,” an AP dispatch reports:
“Activity [by revisionists] has stepped up in recent years, as television and radio talk show hosts have given people who dispute the Holocaust air time.
“Last year, Bradley Smith, who heads a group called Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, placed ads in student newspapers at Cornell, Duke, Michigan and Northwestern [and a dozen other—ed.] universities suggesting that the Holocaust was fabricated, stirring up controversy over freedom of speech and hate messages.”
The article then quotes David Singer, research director for the non-partisan American Jewish Committee: “Holocaust denial is not about historical truth. It is about anti-Jewish hatred as part of a political agenda—and must be confronted as such.”
— The Los Angeles Times, 7 May 1993
Bibliographic information about this document: Smith's Report, no. 15 + 16, Summer 1993, pp. 21f.
Other contributors to this document: n/a
Editor’s comments: n/a