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The Final Solution: A Response to Christopher Browning

The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939–March 1942, by Christopher R. Browning, with contributions by Jürgen Matthäus, University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, Nebraska. Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, 2004, 616 pages. Introduction Christopher R. Browning is Frank Porter Graham Professor of History at the University of North Carolina—Chapel Hill. The…

The Sobibor “Death Camp” in the Context of the Demjanjuk Case (2009)

On April 14, John Demjanjuk was almost deported to Germany to stand trial for alleged war crimes. A last minute ruling by the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati blocked this German extradition request, and the 89 year-old Ukrainian émigré was returned to his home. German authorities claim Demjanjuk walked Jews from train…

The origins of “The Holocaust” or “How the Holocaust was born”.

Part II Allan Welsh Dulles was stationed in Switzerland from November 1942 to the end of WWII, as OSS chief to co-ordinate the activities of the German opposition (OSS=Office of Strategic Services, US intelligence agency formed during WWII). He wrote a book about his experiences, titled “Germany’s Underground. The Anti-Nazi Resistance”. Even though he was…


My intend is to show that, because of the many spy networks established in Germany and the occupied territories-, the numerous Germans who were opposed to National Socialism-, people in all walks of life including high ranking army officers, diplomats, bureaucrats, etc., if the Holocaust would have happened, details about it would have been known…

Who started WWII?

By Wilfried Heink- On Thursday, June 4, 2009 an article appeared in The Washington Post, titled “Russian military historian blames Poland for WWII”. The Poles protested, of course, but it appears that here too history is being re-written, as is the case with “Barbarossa”. Following WWII, authors like Annelies von Ribbentrop and Heinrich Härtle…

How to Escape from a Homicidal Gas Chamber – In an Even Easier Way

In Smith's Report #149 (April 2008) I published an article called “Experto Crede, or How to Escape from a Homicidal Gas Chamber”, devoted to a special category of Shoah survivors: those resourceful Jewish fellows who saw one of the fabled Nazi homicidal gas chambers from the inside, and then escaped from it to tell their…

A Stunning Case of German-Fascist Pedantry, or, Each Murder in its Proper Place

The deportation of the Polish Jews of the General Government – to “death camps” according to the exterminationists, to yet unknown settlements on occupied Soviet territory according to the revisionist hypothesis – did not only involve practicalities and organizatorial issues, but also a certain amount of legal paperwork. Most of this material is of interest…

Kola’s “Building E” at Sobibór – Addenda

In my previous posting on the recent excavations at the alleged extermination camp Sobibór I pointed out the incongruence between A. Kola's reported interpretations of findings made at the site and later claims made by among others the museal authorities in charge of the Sobibór memorial. I further examined various eyewitness statements regarding the "gas chambers"…

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