Archive of Posts

Some Holes – Some Holocaust

Ever since the early 1970's, there has been an attempt to establish the veracity of the widely reported claim that millions of human beings were gassed and burned in the four crematoria at the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp in Southwestern Poland. To be sure, there has always been testimony. But the essence of the revisionist challenge,…

The Bully Persists

Who is Simon Wiesenthal? I ask because he seems to be a very busy man these days, or at least those working in his name are very busy. Every time I log on I seem to have email detailing something or other that Mr. Wiesenthal's Center is involved in. One would think that the namesake…

The Leaders of the Arab States should Quit their Silence on the Imposture of the “Holocaust”

Five introductory remarks: I do mean “the leaders”, and not: “the intellectuals, the academics, the journalists” some of whom have already expressed themselves on the matter; The word “Holocaust” (always to be placed in quotation marks) designates the triple myth of the alleged genocide of the Jews, the alleged Nazi gas chambers and the alleged…

Verdict on Jan Sehn

Concentration Camp Oswiecim-Brzezinka (Auschwitz-Birkenau) by Jan Sehn. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Prawnicze, 1961. Pp. 161, (2). With 42 illustrations black and white photographs, a number of facsimile letters and several plans, including a large folding map at the rear showing the location of camps in Germany and occupied countries. If one reads and examines Oswiecim-Brzezinka by Jan…

Additional Comments on the Provan booklet “No Holes? No Holocaust?”

The Provan study provides for us much more than a telling material study of the concrete ruins of Leichenkeller I of Krematorium II. It is also a valuable compendium of what can only be described as untrustworthy witness descriptions of the necessary “Zyklon B introduction holes” and of the questionable photographic presentations thereof. I. Wartime…

Denying History and Truth

A review of Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why do They Say it?, by Michael Shermer & Alex Grobman. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000. Hardcover. 312 pages. Notes. Index. ISBN: 0-520-21612-1. Introduction Denying History. Who Says the Holocaust never Happened and Why Do They Say it? by Michael Shermer and…

Gas Vans – forgeries galore!

This article was originally created within the CODOH Revisionst Forum. It addresses a German wartime document dated October 25, 1941 mentioning “Gassing Devices”. For an online reproduction of this document see, for instance, Click here for Part II The first lines of the document, allegedly a letter by Willy Just addressed to Walter Rauff,…

Gas Vans – forgeries galore!

This article was originally created within the CODOH Revisionist Forum. It addresses a German wartime document dated October 25, 1941 mentioning “Gassing Devices”. For an online reproduction of this document see, for instance, Click here for Part I Replies to the Simon Wiesenthal Center Moving on to Mr. Breitbart's next contention, namely the reference…

Some Preliminary Observations on the Charles D. Provan booklet “No Holes? No Holocaust?”

The Provan booklet provides us with a wealth of interesting information regarding the alleged “Zyklon-B introduction holes” in the roof of Leichenkeller I. Mr. Provan has also drawn a number of contentious conclusions from the material evidence which he has presented as proof of the wartime existence of such holes. I would like to draw…

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