About Revisionism and Historiography

On the reasons and goals of revising historical narratives, on Revisionism as a “movement,” covering topics such as its history and objectives, and on the techniques and politics of writing about history in general.

Jürgen Graf Holocaust Propaganda for the Kalergi Plan (5:51 min)

In this 5 minute video clip, Jürgen Graf, a brilliant Swiss scholar and linguist talks about the Kalergi Plan. Jurgen tells of his early days and his struggle for the truth. After researching the "Holocaust" atrocity lie, he became convinced of two things. One, was that the governments in the West are merely puppet like. Two,…

Robert Faurisson The Holocaust as Religion 1992 (1:08:28)

In this (One hour and eight minutes) video clip, Professor Robert Faurisson (1929-2018) talks of how the “holocaust” atrocity lie has now become a “religion” as historical enquiry is matched by “faith”. Here in October 1992 he is introduced by Mark Weber of the Institute of Historical Review (a noted scholar in his own right)….

Irene Zisblatt Mengele was Castrating Boys and Girls

Irene Zisblatt, a Jewess, claims that Mengele, carried out three medical experiments on her, and also castrated boys and girls at Auschwitz. In reality, Josef Mengele, the Chief Medical Officer at Auschwitz, was a highly decorated SS Hauptsturmfuhrer, (Iron Cross First Class, Iron Cross Second Class, Wound Badge, Care for the German People Medal) who…

Auschwitz Krema 1 LIES

In this fifteen minute clip, Jim Rizoli exposes the lies told by the “Holocaust” hate atrocity propagandists regarding Crematorium (Krema) Number 1 at Auschwitz 1 (The original camp).Firstly, Jim shows a clip of a “guide” at the camp, who states that the gas chamber and crematorium was outside the camp (!) next to the SS…

Hitler´s Generous Peace Offers: David Irving

David Irving speaks about Hitler's peace offers & how the western Allied governments ignored them. In this (9 minute) video, David, the author of numerous best selling books, and a fantastic researcher, spelts out that Hitler made very many peace offers, only be confronted by states wanting war.    Additional information regarding Hitler's multiple peace…

David Irving’s Real History Conference Cincinnati 1999

David Irving's Real History Conference highlights – Cincinnati 1999. Ten speakers (listed below) with multi-faceted presentations relating to the Second World War. Valuable overview of revisionists, and how they work to attack official lies.  Restricted from Youtube [1] David Irving (website fpp.co.uk) introduces Real History – What it is – Personal Account of the Idleness…

Donald Trump Signs Holocaust Bill while Country Burns

For some odd reason, some Americans think that Donald Trump is against the “establishment”. In reality Trump is just another President, since George Washington got money from Haym Solomon, to pander to the Zionist elite. While the USA and countries around the world are suffering from riots by Communists, unemployment is increasing, more on welfare,…

Jewish Writer Gilad Atzmon on Free Speech and the Holocaust (14:04 min)

Gilad Atzmon discusses Tolerance, History and Revisionism on Aspen GrassRoots TV, July 2010 This set of six video clips covers an almost taboo controversy to do with freedom of speech. In the discussion, Atzmon stresses the ethical and logical need for history to be open to revision. Participants, left to right: Gilad Atzmon — Harvie…

Holocaust on Trial Documentary PBS Smears Irving v. Lipstadt Holocaust Denial Trial

Controversial historian David Irving sued Jewish-American academic Deborah Lipstadt for libel after she had accused him of being a distorter of history and a Holocaust denier. Irving mounted his case alone, without legal support, taking on the legal big guns of a major publisher. This documentary is a reenactment of the courtroom proceedings as Irving…

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