
At the moment, we distinguish between two different kinds of videos:

  • Chats &: Interviews: These are casual monologues or dialogues on a variety of topics, but usually focusing on history and free speech.
  • Documentaries and lectures: These are presentations of scholarly style and contents, again with the same focus.

Pick the subcategory you want in order to sort the videos into one of those categories.

Chats & Interviews | Documentaries

Mr . Death with Fred Leuchter

The infamous video "Mr. Death" – Fred Leuchter. This is a brilliant video (Three hours and 41 minutes) with Fred Leuchter talking to Goyim TV. Frederick Leuchter was a execution consultant who helped US prisons in executing felons for captial offences. He was experienced at all types of execution, lethal ejection, hanging, gassing and others….

Memorabilia: David Irving – The Biggest Lie

Telling the truth and exposing criminals is neither hatred, anti-semitism nor racism. David Irving is the recognised world's best non-conformist historian exposing the crimes of the 'holocaust industry' (worth 6 billion a year to Israel). Anyone who is entitled to large amounts of cash (and is Jewish) is a 'holocaust survivor'. Anyone who questions the…

Germar Rudolf Holocaust Revisionist Persecution (2 of 2)

Germar Rudolf joins us to share the story of his life’s work as a revisionist researcher and writer and the ostracizing and persecution he has endured for daring to tread into the controversial topic of the German holocaust. In part 1 ( ), Germar goes deeper into exposing free speech hijacking and human dignity suppression that…

Memorabilia:Germar Rudolf Holocaust Revisionist Persecution (1 of 2)

Germar Rudolf joins us to share the story of his life’s work as a revisionist researcher and writer and the ostracizing and persecution he has endured for daring to tread into the controversial topic of the German Holocaust. Germar talks about the process of awakening that led him to question the “official” version of holocaust history…

Memorabilia: The Life and Death of Heinrich Himmler – David Irving

David Irving gives us "the other version" of the Life and Death of Heinrich Himmler. In this video (One hour and 22 minutes) produced by Focal Point publications, the brilliant best selling author from England, an incredible researcher, and a fantastic speaker (very witty!), talks about Heinrich Himmler, the leader of the SS in the Third…

Memorabilia: The Real Winston Churchill : David Irving

Churchill was above all a man who craved power, and a man who craves power, craves opportunity to advance himself no matter what the cost. Churchill and his "Focus" group received millions of pounds from the Czech government to overthrow Chamberlain. This constituted treason. English classical liberal John Morley, after working with Churchill, passed a…

Memorabilia: David Irving on the Lipstadt Trial: The Truth

David Irving gives us the real deal with his trial with Deborah Lipstadt, free speech, German and other Europeans censorship and the freedom of internet at risk. David Irving, best selling British writer, and incredible researcher, talks about his recent "trial" with Deborah Lipstadt, a hideous Jewish "professor" who thinks it's fine to defame Germans…

Paul Fromm on Censorship in Canada

A short video  with Paul Fromm that tells us about  the Canadian Censorship and Political Harassment in Canada. Paul Fromm is a free speech advocate in Canada. He is, also, a campaigner against the Holocau$t scam. Paul Fromm, a White Nationalist talks (43 minutes) frankly about the constant lying abuse directed at him by Jewish Supremacists…

Brian Ruhe Jim Rizoli interview (2018)

Brian Ruhe interviews Jim Rizoli about his work for free speech and the Holocaust question. Brian interviews veteran revisionist and Holocau$t exposer, Jim Rizoli about his activities on the Internet. Jim has been banned and subjected to harrassment by Jews who demand that the "Holocau$t" nonsense be treated as holy writ. Jim doesn't tolerate any…

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