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Holohoax Tales Jewish Rambo

Yeshayahu Foyer ran away to join the partisans in the forest, when he was eight years old. He spent two and a half years fighting the Nazis. He says that he used to live in the forest like a monkey, and picked out fleas and lice out of captured clothing. Captured, by the Nazis, he was taken to…

Holohoax Tales The Nazis Stuck 25 Centimeters of Wood up my Arse (49 Segs)

Forced March is a fictional film where the Jewish actor, the son of "Holocaust" survivors wrestles with his role in a "Holocaust" propaganda film. In the film the Nazi prosecution of homosexuals is addressed. One such "homosexual" "Holocaust" survivor called Pierre Seel maintained that  "The Nazis stuck 25 centimeters of wood up my arse". Source: Forced…

The Holocaust Industry and Censorship

This 28 minute video was released in 1996 by the late Canadian- German Revisonist, Ernst Zundel (1939-2017) as part of his "Voice of Freedom" broadcasts. Here, Ernst talks about censorship and freedom of speech in relation to the "Holocaust" hate atrocity propaganda. Ernst states that the "Holocaust" a film released in 1977 was a key…

Rare WW2 Footage German Wehrmacht

In this five minute video, rare WW2 footage of the German Wehrmacht (Defence Forces) is depicted. Hitler is shown reviewing his soldiers and the elite parachute troops. All kinds of vehicles from the earliest to the latest tanks, including the famous 'Panther' and 'Tiger'  are shown. Self-propelled, and towed artillery are seen, including the famous "nebelwerfer"…

Hamburg Syndrome 1979-2020

In this 9 minute video, reference is made to a film, The Hamburg Syndrome", which was made in 1979, which is a uncanny T prediction of 2020 and the COVID-19 virus, which spread from a street market in Communist China to the rest of the world in very quick time. The number of deaths world…

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