
The effect which the orthodox Holocaust narrative has in the social and political arena.

The Anatomy of a Riot

The following is a couple of headlines that appeared in two Toronto dailies on Monday, May 31, in the aftermath of the Allan Gardens riot that occurred in Toronto on Sunday, May 30, 1965: Mob Beats 'Nazis' in Park Hate-Riot [The Toronto Telegram, front-page headline]…mob shouts 'kill, kill, kill' as it looks for Nazis [part…

Revisionism In a Nutshell

If we were to sum up Holocaust Revisionism in one sentence, we should say: Yes, there was a Holocaust, but No, there were no gas chambers. The gas chambers were a product of wartime propaganda. Mass media propaganda in turn generated mass hysteria about mass murder. There are three political and three psychological reasons why…

American Palestinian boy tortured, slain; is this not terror?

Another American has fallen victim to terrorism in the Middle East, but this time the United States is being careful not to overreact. The president hasn't interrupted his vacation to fly back to Washington for consultation with his top advisers. The airwaves aren't full of blustering congressmen demanding retaliation. In all likelihood, the killers will…

The Holocaust in Perspective: A Letter by Paul Rassinier

Paul Rassinier is the generally acknowledged founder of scholarly holocaust revisionism. Born in France in 1906 and trained as an educator, he taught history and geography at the secondary school in Faubourg de Montbéliard. During the Second World War, he co-founded the “Libé-Nord” underground Resistance organization, which helped smuggle Jews from German-occupied France into Switzerland….

The Holocaust on Television

While America Watches: Televising the Holocaust, Jeffrey Shandler, Oxford UP, 1999 Everyone knows at this point that the Holocaust has been promoted to such an extent that one can hardly turn around without running into Holocaust imagery of some kind. Any time there is a massacre anywhere, you can bet that some talking head will…

Trivializing the Holocaust?

The ADL trained their sites on another Holocaust outrage, claiming that a proposed New York art exhibit would trivialize the Holocaust. The offender this time is a German artist who planned to set up an exhibit at the Whitney Art Museum in New York featuring a room bedecked with red walls, on which quotes from…

Asians Just Don't Get It

We in America are so used to having the Holocaust bulk large as the preeminent symbol of inhumanity that we tend to forget that there are about 5 billion people outside of the reach of Western Civilization who just don't see Twentieth Century history the way we do. Recent events in Asia demonstrate the culture…

The Force of Holocaust Reactionaries

A libel suit filed by the British historian David Irving against the American Jewish religious instructor Deborah Lipstadt is playing itself out in a London courtroom. The worldwide attention given the trial, which Lipstadt's defense attorneys have attempted to exploit, is not due to the nature of the libels alleged. Instead, the trial has gained…

The Founding Myths of Israeli Politics

Copyright 1996 – All rights reserved. Contents Introduction Part I: Theological Myths The Myth of the “Promise”: Promised Land or Conquered Land? In Contemporary Christian Exegesis In the Prophetic Jewish Exegesis The Myth of the “Chosen People” The Myth of Joshua: Ethnic Purification Part II: The Myths of the 20th Century The Myth of Zionist…

Holocaust as Religion

“Freedom of speech involves the right to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.”—Oliver Wendell Holmes To see it as a religion one has to look carefully at what a religion is in its essentials. Religions come in many forms from animism to the search for enlightenment. Fundamentally a religion is a…

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