Holocaust Revisionism

The history and objectives of re-examining the Holocaust narrative, both as a revisionist self-perception and as viewed by its opponents.

From the Editor

Ten years ago – on the Fourth of July 1984 – unknown terrorists firebombed our office-warehouse complex in an attempt to destroy the Institute for Historical Review and forever silence The Journal of Historical Review. These criminals nearly succeeded. (For more about this, see The Zionist Terror Network, a 20-page booklet available from the IHR.)…

Twelfth IHR Conference Set for September [1994]

Scholars, activists and friends of the Institute for Historical Review are scheduled to meet over Labor Day weekend, September 3-5, in southern California for the IHR's Twelfth International Revisionist Conference. Highlighting the roster of speakers will be bestselling historian David Irving, French revisionist scholar Robert Faurisson, and German-Canadian revisionist activist Ernst Zündel. Closer Cooperation This…

What is “Holocaust Denial”?

This article is adapted from an essay originally distributed in 1992 by The Canadian Free Speech League (P.O. Box 40143, Victoria, B.C. V8W 3N3), a federally incorporated, not-for-profit association that has helped with the legal defense of Ernst Zündel, among others. Leaflet copies of this essay are available from the IHR at the following (postpaid)…

A Prominent German Historian Tackles Taboos of Third Reich History

Streitpunkte: Heutige und künftige Kontroversen um den Nationalsozialismus (“Points of Contention: Current and Future Controversies about National Socialism”), by Ernst Nolte. Berlin and Frankfurt: Propyläen, 1993. Hardcover. 492 pages. Notes. Index. ISBN: 3-549-05234-0. Almost half a century after its dramatic demise, the Third Reich continues to fascinate millions and provoke heated discussion. Historians, sociologists, journalists…

Crossing Swords in France on the Holocaust Issue

Assassins of Memory: Essays on the Denial of the Holocaust, by Pierre Vidal-Naquet. Translated and with a foreword by Jeffrey Mehlman. New York: Columbia University Press, 1992. Hardcover. 205 (+ xxvi) pages. Notes. Index. ISBN: 0-231-07458-1. In no country has Holocaust revisionism gained greater ground than in France. Most of the blame or credit for…

New Books Seek to Discredit ‘Growing Threat’ of ‘Holocaust Denial’

Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, by Deborah Lipstadt. New York: Free Press, 1993. Hardcover. 278 pages. Notes. Index. $22.95. ISBN: 0-02-919235-8. Holocaust Denial by Kenneth S. Stern. New York: American Jewish Committee, 1993. Softcover. 193 pages. Notes. Index. $12.95. ISBN: 0-87495-102-X. Hitler’s Apologists: The Anti-Semitic Propaganda of Holocaust “Revisionism” edited…

Revisionist Commentary Opens Eyes in Milwaukee

Friday August 13, 1993 READER VIEWS Challenging facts of Holocaust is responsibility of historians THE HOLOCAUST, like any other historical event, should be studied in depth to separate the propaganda from the facts. To seriously argue that no individual or organization has any right to challenge the established version of a historical event goes squarely…

The Journal of Historical Review, A Look Back

Perhaps ten years ago, surely twenty years ago, one could justifiably argue that there was no need to teach Holocaust revisionism in Holocaust courses, as revisionism was nothing more than a smattering of articles by unknown and scattered people. The story today is quite different. — Dr. Carlos Huerta, Touro College, Jerusalem, writing in Martyrdom…

“Danger” of Holocaust Revisionism Spreading, Says Israeli Scholar

Israeli Holocaust scholar Yehuda Bauer is worried. In an article in the Israeli English-language daily Jerusalem Post, August 7, 1993, he warns that “America is the center of a world-wide Holocaust denial movement.” According to the article, headlined “US is center of Holocaust revisionism,” Bauer also “named France as the second major center, followed by…

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