
Some people love to read op-eds just because it’s an opinion by some guy or gal they like or dislike. So here we go…

Promoting Revisionism

Around the turn of the millennium, an anonymous author wrote a brochure titled Auschwitz: Facts versus Fiction, had it printed in great numbers, and wanted Castle Hill Publishers to distribute it from the UK. Castle Hill agreed initially, stocked it, and added it to its sales website. On closer inspection, it turned out that the…

The Making of The Making

Carlo Mattogno’s little booklet Auschwitz: A Three-Quarter Century of Propaganda (see illustration), first published in 2018, was a huge success, as it presents in a nutshell – and pleasant to read (not usually Carlo’s strength) – the best evidence to demonstrate the fraudulent nature of the orthodox Auschwitz narrative. I reported about its German edition…

Delayed and Early Revisionism

In his obituary for Ludwig Fanghänel aka Klaus Schwensen, Jürgen Graf wrote in Issue No. 2 of Volume 9 of Inconvenient History that some of Fanghänel’s studies have never been translated into English, among them his very important investigation on the authenticity of the so-called “Lachout Document.” (See online at https://codoh.com/library/​document/​ludwig-fanghanel-8-october-1937-20-january-2017/). As far as I…


When the first news about COVID-19 appeared on the news in early 2020, I joked in my gym’s spinning class that we need to rev it up and lower our spinning class’s room temperature, because COVID, being a respiratory disease, is best dealt with by improving our immune system’s coping skills with stressed lung’s –…

The Path to Enlightenment

“Enlightenment is man’s leaving his self-caused immaturity. Immaturity is the incapacity to use one’s intelligence without the guidance of another. Such immaturity is self-caused, if it is not caused by lack of intelligence, but by lack of determination and courage to use one’s intelligence without being guided by another. Sapere Aude! [dare to know] Have…

The War that Never Stops

This issue of Inconvenient History contains several papers by John Wear addressing a wide variety of topics concerning World War II, meaning the war itself, the one that never seems to stop. Only the last two papers concern minorities persecuted by Third-Reich authorities: one paper by John Wear on the incarceration of clergymen in German…

Vimeo and YouTube Ban Revisionism

In early 2017, we had to deal with two major censorship incidents, one external, the other homemade. The external event refers to Amazon’s banning of Castle Hill’s entire book collection, no matter whether a book challenges the orthodox Holocaust narrative or addresses some other topic entirely. The second, internal event refers to Eric Hunt’s demand…


This issue contains five papers and one review by John Wear, who has been one of the major contributors to both The Barnes Review and increasingly also to Inconvenient History. If you subscribe to the former, you may notice that some articles are featured in both periodicals. While The Barnes Review is a subscription-based print…

Revisionism Going Viral

In early 2016, the Kindle version of a book by two New Zealand authors – James and Lance Morcan – was launched which claimed to refute revisionist theories on the Holocaust. Italian revisionist scholar Carlo Mattogno promptly debunked this primitive “refutation” with a scathing book-length critique, which Castle Hill was happy to publish.[1] By pure…

Catching Up

For the past several years, CODOH and Castle Hill Publishers have been intertwined both financially and with their web presence. Back in the summer of 2013, Castle Hill, back then still hosted with an online store at www.vho.org, lost its ability to accept credit-card payments in the UK, mainly due to the interference of New…

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