

Letter to Amnesty International Regarding the Persecution of Germar Rudolf by the Government of Germany

Amnesty InternationalD-53108BonnGermany August 16, 2006 Sir/Madame: I have been informed that one of the main purposes of your organization is to defend human rights worldwide. I am writing to you now to inform you of a very serious human rights violation that is taking place in your own nation, and to request that you would…

Christian Morality and Holocaust Revisionism

Recently, the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor, declared that Holocaust denial is tantamount to “sacrilege” after he issued a message of solidarity to Britain's Jewish community ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day.[1] According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “sacrilege” is defined as “the violation or injurious treatment of a sacred object.” So, Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor is saying…

Prisoners of Conscience and Holocaust Revisionism

President George W. BushThe White House1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NWWashington, DC 20500 December 28, 2005 Dear President Bush, In a public statement issued on December 10, 2005 , you called for the immediate and unconditional release of prisoners of conscience by the Syrian authorities, labeling the imprisonment of these individuals as an example of the government…

With Regard to Your Article “Don't Even Think It”

Dear Mr. Stang: I applaud your article, “Don't Even Think It.” This is one of the few commentaries I have read which defends the rights of Holocaust revisionists generally and David Irving and Germar Rudolf specifically. To be upfront, I am a Holocaust revisionist. I have met both Mr. Rudolf and Mr. Irving personally. For…

Facing up to the Truth

The Revisionist, Helen Schulman, Crown Publishers, 1998 The Revisionist is a work of fiction (with no affiliation or connection to the magazine that you are currently reading) that confronts psychological “denial” on multiple levels. Helen Schulman has written a fast-paced book in which her main character, a neurotic neurologist, David Hershleder learns to cope with…

The Dawning of a New Era

Introduction By Richard A. Widmann From 1999 to 2002, the Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust (CODOH), published four issues of The Revisionist mainly for free distribution on College Campuses. After the free distribution of CODOH's journal, The Revisionist switched gears and became the first Revisionist e-zine. For another nine issues on-line, The Revisionist…

Diagnosis without Cure

The Death of the West: How Dying Populations and Immigrant Invasions Imperil Our Country and Civilization, Patrick J. Buchanan, New York, 2002 The title of Pat Buchanan's latest book instantly brings to mind Oswald Spengler's classic two-volume study, The Decline of the West. The similarities between these efforts, however, end with the title. While Spengler's…

Exposing the Santa Claus Hoax

THE VISALIA RECORD MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2001 ***** TODAY'S FORECAST: Blustery Today's SPECIAL HOLIDAY EDITION is written by the students and teachersof the 3rd grade at Judge Gray Elementary School Today's Headlines: Is Santa Claus a Hoax? Toilets Overflow in Boys Room The Busdriver's Hamster Died LEAD STORY Is Santa Claus a Hoax? Children at…

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