Persecution of Dissidents

The social, extra-judicial persecution of dissidents for their peaceful activities. By extra-judicial, social persecution we mean media harassments and defamation, loss of employment, loss of residence, termination of memberships, cancellation of business contracts etc. Unless a report is on persecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the events have occurred.

Important Decision by the Supreme Court of FRG

German author Michael Winkler [] from Würzburg in Franconia had been succesfully appealing to the Supreme court, the Constitutional Court of the FRG. The case: Winkler had been sentenced because of "denying the holocaust" for he had written in an article that "since 1944 no Jew had been deported to Auschwitz". Before the most recent decision of the…

UK Holocaust Memorial Museum: I Challenge the British Authorities

Next year, a Holocaust Museum Memorial will be built in the heart of London, near the Parliament. In this video, a French revisionist, Vincent Reynouard, challenges the British authorities. He asks: 1. for the Memorial's designer to provide proof, a single element of proof that confirms the existence of "gas chambers" at Auschwitz, Majdanek , Treblinka,…

A Question of What is “Offensive.” Chabloz v. House Wives of ISIS

British Broadcast Company has ignored the potentially significant prosecution of Alison Chabloz. She being criminally charged for posting an allegedly “grossly offensive” video making fun of the exploitation of the Holocaust, (she called Auschwitz a “theme park” and sang about some very questionable survivor tales.) Guess what, the BBC has gone into “fringe” comedy itself with its…

Can a Song Be a Crime?

Alison Chabloz has been suddenly called back from Manchester with only one days notice, because the Prosecution wishes to redefine the terms of her bail. A week earlier, she had turned up for a rather strange indeed unheard-of type of prosecution. A Campaign against Anti-Semitism had decided a song of hers violated Section 127 of the…

Vincent Reynouard presents Alison Chabloz – Jewish Censorship Tactics ( Video )

As a follow-up to my previous blog post, please find below the link to a new video. Produced by Vincent Reynouard, this is a Franco-British collaboration intended to further expose the Zionist lobby's aggressive hounding of its critics.  Many thanks to all for your ongoing support. Musical wishes, Alison.    

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