Prosecution of Dissidents

The prosecution, by proper courts of law, of dissidents for their peaceful activities. Unless a report is on prosecution in general, it has been categorized in the subcategory of the country where the prosecution occurred.

How to Increase the Number of Deaths in the Holocaust

Abstract In 2013, Italian police forces raided the homes of numerous participants of the U.S. Stormfront blog. The background of this raid was a discussion about the veracity and reliability of entries in the victims’ database of the Israeli Yad Vashem Holocaust Remembrance Center, among other things. To verify these claims, Italian blogger Olodogma looked…

Faurisson Convicted of Racial Defamation

On 27 September 2016, Robert Faurisson, emeritus professor of literature at the University of Lyon, was prosecuted before the XVIIth correctional chamber of the High Court of Paris for three alleged crimes: two counts of “disputing crimes against humanity” and one count of “racial defamation” (diffamation raciale). The two charges of disputing crimes against humanity…

Italy’s Parliament Approves Holocaust Denial Criminalization

Italy’s parliament has been discussing a bill to criminalize Holocaust denial for the past 10 years. Other laws are now in effect; public incitement to racial hatred and such things are penalized, but Holocaust denial was not criminalized like it is in 14 other countries in Europe until now.   Italian  Parliament The first step to pass…

Faurisson risks jail for 60-word summary of his research during Tehran conference

In contrast to the Court of Appeal hearing given last March, this latest bout of Ziocons [=Zionist neocons] persecution of revisionist, Robert Faurisson, was held in the 17° Chambre Correctionelle of the High Court at the Palais de Justice in Paris, ensuring that numerous members of the public who’d gathered there to support the professor were able to witness the proceedings from the…

An English Revisionist in Paris

Prof. Dr. Robert Faurisson, March 2016 Yesterday, March 17, I was present at the Court of Appeal in Paris for what was announced as The Trial of the Century. The trial was centred around a 2011 documentary film by Paul-Eric Blanrue, Un homme, based on the life and work of the world’s foremost “Holocaust” revisionist,…

Letter to PEN

Suzanne Nossel Executive Director PEN[email protected]Karin Deutsch Karlekar Director of Free Expression Programs[email protected]Katy Glenn Bass Deputy Director of Free Expression Programs[email protected]Shreya Balhara Free Expression Coordinator[email protected] Dear PEN- I am writing in response to Executive Director Nossel's recent letter regarding the release of reporter Jason Rezaian and poets Fatemeh Ekhtesari and Medhi Mousavi. Thank you for the…

German Patriotic Party Excludes Revisionists

Screen shot of the offending Facebook entry with the Haverbeck video. German Politican Susanne Ulber has been excluded from the German patriotic, anti-immigration party Alternative für Deutschland (Alternative for Germany) for having “denied the Holocaust”. Ulber had posted the video interview German revisionist Ursula Haverbeck had given to a leftist German government TV channel in…

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