Vol. 3 (2011)

Vol. 3 · www.InconvenientHistory.org · 2011

Inconvenient History seeks to revive the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of modern warfare.

To browse the contents of the individual issues of this volume, click on the issue number below.

Year Issues
Vol. 3 (2011)[PDF version]

Churchill, International Jews and the Holocaust: A Revisionist Analysis

In the interests of fairness, Jeffrey Herf, whose work is here critiqued, was sent the following essay prior to its publication here, and asked to correct any possibly false or misleading statements. No response from Mr. Herf had been received by press time. Introduction Winston Churchill played an important role in the history of the…

Deir Yassin: Inconvenient History

The Massacre There are many different accounts and interpretations of what happened on 9 April 1948 at Deir Yassin, a small village on the west side of Jerusalem. For ardent Zionists it was a battle at the beginning of Israel’s War for Independence. For most historians (privately, in opinions they can no longer express without…

Demystification of the Birth and Funding of the NSDAP

What exactly did the NSDAP (National Socialist German Worker’s Party) represent and who were its founding members? Why and how did Adolf Hitler transform the party from an unimpressive proletariat workers’ party to a full-fledged political machine that obtained absolute power in Germany? Perhaps more important, how was it funded? We answer these questions in…

Lanzmann’s “Shoah” Witness Simon Srebnik

In late 2010 Claude Lanzmann’s “documentary” Shoah was re-released with much brouhaha on the occasion of its 25th anniversary. It is “considered one of the greatest documentaries ever made.” Although there have been a number of revisionist critiques of various aspects of the movie,[1] no thorough and complete analysis of its entire content of 9½…

The Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on a U. S. Spy Ship

by James Scott, Simon and Schuster, New York, N.Y., 2009, hardcover, 374 pages. “With friends like these, who needs enemies?”—familiar saying In June 1967, during the Six-Day War, Israeli air and naval forces attacked the American spy ship the USS Liberty in the Mediterranean Sea killing 34 and wounding 171 of the crew members. James…

A Premature News Report on a “Death Camp” for Jews

An alleged revisionist forgery In 1990, German revisionist Udo Walendy published an issue of his journal Historische Tatsachen (Historical Facts) entitled “Der Fall Treblinka” (“The Treblinka Case”) that focused on the numerous absurd allegations surrounding this supposed “pure extermination camp”. On one of the first pages of this publication Walendy has reproduced in facsimile a…

Gassing, Burning and Burying

Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that someone wanted to design and implement a systematic process for mass-murdering hundreds of thousands of people, in a short period of time, using poisonous gas. How might one go about doing this? This is the question that must have been brought to bear on certain high-ranking individuals in the Nazi…

No Peace for Rudolf Hess

In July news circled the globe that the body of Rudolf Hess, the one-time deputy to Adolf Hitler, was exhumed from a family funeral plot. His bones were cremated and scattered at an undisclosed location at sea. Karl-Willi Beck, the mayor of the Bavarian town of Wunsiedel where Hess was buried, justified the action by…

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