

The US Holocaust Memorial Museum

Theodore J. O'Keefe, educated at Harvard University, is the author of numerous published articles, essays and reviews on historical and political subjects. For some years he served as editor of this Journal. This essay is available, in convenient leaflet form, from the IHR at the following prices: Ten copies for $2; Fifty copies for $5;…

The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: A challenge

Robert Faurisson is acknowledged as Europe's leading Holocaust Revisionist. He was educated at the Paris Sorbonne, and served as associate professor at the University of Lyon in France from 1974 until 1990. Dr. Faurisson has addressed several IHR conferences, and many of his numerous essays and reviews on the Holocaust issue have appeared in translation…

Assault on the Liberty

Assault on the Liberty: The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship, by James M. Ennes Jr.: Random House, 1979. 300 pages, hardback, available from IHR at $14.95 . ISBN: 0394-50512-3. Subtitled “The True Story of the Israeli Attack on an American Intelligence Ship,” this book must certainly carry much more…

The Wiesenthal Files: What the Documents Reveal about Simon Wiesenthal’s Past, Part 1

Chapter 1: Simon Wiesenthal's War Years: New Doubts Simon Wiesenthal is the world's most famous “Nazi”-hunter. His claim to have brought Adolf Eichmann and more than a thousand other Third-Reich “war criminals” to justice has become the stuff of popular myth, familiar to tens of millions through his own writings as well as through fictionalized…

Context and Perspective in the “Holocaust” Controversy

Deutsch | FrançaisPresented at the IHR's 1982 Revisionist Conference Introduction When in the discussion of some subject we criticize somebody because “he can't see the forest for the trees,” we refer to a special sort of intellectual failing. We do not mean that the object of our criticism is incompetent or that his views on…

Typhus and the Jews

In my article about the German delousing chambers in the Spring 1985 issue of this journal, I included a brief discussion of the large, well-designed gas chambers which were used to fumigate entire railroad trains, one or more railroad cars at a time, with Zyklon-B. Those chambers would have been ideal for the mass- extermination…

Goebbels and the “Final Solution'

Bringing to Light Secrets of Hitler’s Propaganda Minister David Irving is one of the world's most widely read and influential historians. He is the author of more than two dozen published works on 20th century history. For more about him, see the Jan.-Feb. 1993 Journal, pp. 4-19. This essay is adapted from Irving's presentation at…

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