Israeli Trials

The Israeli show trials against Adolf Eichmann and against John Demjanjuk received worldwide public attention. These and other Israeli mockeries of justice are scrutinized in contributions listed in this section.

The Adolf Eichmann Trial

The movie posted below is a 52-minutes documentary produced by German mainstream historian Guido Knopp and others. It deals with Adolf Eichmann. The below article highlights the contrast between the nonsense on the “Holocau$t peddled to the public by these mainstream historians” on the one hand, and documented facts on the other.  The Adolf…

The Man in the Glass Cage

Probably the most-famous man-in-a-glass-cage in history was Adolf Eichmann, an ex-lieutenant colonel of National-Socialist Germany’s vaunted Schutzstaffel, better known as the SS. His 1961 Jerusalem trial for crimes alleged to have been committed outside Israel before the creation of the Israeli state was broadcast in near-real time over television, making it one of the first…

Operation Finale, Another Holocaust Movie Flop

Operation Finale is officially a box office flop, with box office receipts falling well below the production budget. The movie was advertised heavily.   A large number of theaters were lined up. Critics were as respectful as possible. All with dismal results. The average box-office revenue per theater for September 17 was a pitiful $85.90 Domestic Total as…

War Criminals in Israel

Israel collects war criminals. Of course, in the course of its never-ending conflicts with its neighbors, it has produced its own abundant crops of home-grown, even native, war criminals, but here, I wish to concentrate on war criminals, real and supposed, imported from other lands whose crimes even antedate Israel itself—I am interested, in fact,…

Demjanjuk Innocent!

The highest Israeli court finds there is not enough evidence to prove that he is Ivan the Terrible. On TV, Demjanjuk looks fine. A working class male. Your typical yuppie Playboy peruser never would have made it. I'm happy for Demjanjuk and for his family. I've always feared that he would never get out of…

Harvard Heroism

John Demjanjuk, railroaded to Israel on bogus charges of murdering upwards of a million Jews in gas chambers at Treblinka, though now seen almost universally as innocent of that ludicrous charge, may still be strung up by our allies who run the only democracy in the Middle East. How has such a scenario come to…

John Demjanjuk: The Man More Sinned Against

“I am a man more sinned against than sinning!” (King Lear in Shakespeare’s King Lear) I John Demjanjuk is dead. The Age, Melbourne’s more intellectual daily newspaper, reported this on 19th March under the prejudicial and ambiguous heading ‘Nazi camp guard dead.’ Quoting the Washington Post, the newspaper referred to Demjanjuk as ‘the target of…

The Strange Case of John Demjanjuk

On May 13th news headlines around the world announced the conviction of John Demjanjuk for having been a guard at the infamous Sobibor concentration camp. Demjanjuk it would seem was found guilty as an accessory to the murder of some 28,060 people. Oddly, however, if one reads beyond the headlines, it is revealed that there…

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