
It was the nefarious, insidious Huns and Japs against the gallant, valorous Allied heroes. But hold on for a minute! Perhaps things were not so black and white – might they even be the other way around?

Marshal Zhukov: A Career Built on Corpses

Viktor Suworow, Marschall Schukow – Lebensweg über Leichen, Pour-le-Mérite, Selent, Germany, 2002, 350 pp., €25.80 Prologue Every war produces genuine military strategists and heroes, many of whom die on the battlefield or whose exploits go unrecognized. Decorated “Hero of the Soviet Union” four times, Marshal Georgi Zhukov was indisputably the most honored military figure in…

Allied Plans for the Annihilation of the German People

Long before the outbreak of the Second World War, and certainly long before the outcome of this European slaughter of brothers was foreseeable, the victors-to-be and their hangers-on had made plans for the disposition of Germany that contained fundamental violations of the Law of Nations. In addition to demilitarization and de-nazification projects there were plans…

The Man who Knew too Much

Lynn Picknett, Clive Prince, Stephen Prior, Double Standards: The Rudolf Hess Cover-Up, Warner Little Brown & Co Ltd, 2002, 608pp., $16.95 Martin Allen, The Hitler-Hess Deception. British Intelligence’s Best-kept Secret of the Second World War, Harper Collins, NY 2003, 352pp., $27.99 More than half a century ago, in May of 1941, during a conflict that…

Revisionism in Russia

Russians Research into the ‘Holocaust’ Matter A German order to destroy Novgorod did not exist. The population suffered under Soviet bombings. Novgorod’s church treasures were robbed by the retreating Soviet troops, and its artifacts were sunk on a ship in the Wolchow River. The world famous Novgorod monument “Thousand Year Russia” was saved by the…

Battlefield Patriotism

Richard Holmes, Battlefields of the Second World War, BBC, London 2003 (c. 2001). Paperback. 222 pages. Photographs, inc. color, maps. Index. ISBN: 0563488123 Professor Richard Holmes, Director of Cranfield University’s Security Studies Institute, presenter of the BBC TV series Battlefields of the Second World War, and author of the accompanying book of the same name,…

Partisan War and Reprisal Killings

Since the publication of Daniel Goldhagen's book Hitler's Willing Executioners and the general attention, which the Anti-Wehrmacht propaganda exhibition received in Germany,[1] the center of gravity of the discussion about the 'Holocaust' has changed. At least today the attention is directed less intensively to the alleged high-tech mass murder in “homicidal gas chambers,” which are…

Jewish Co-Responsibility for Jewish Persecution in 1941

Bogdan Musial, “Konterrevolutionäre Elemente sind zu erschießen.” Die Brutalisierung des deutsch-sowjetischen Krieges im Sommer 1941 (“Counter Revolutionary Elements are to be Shot.” The Brutalization of the German-Soviet War in the Summer 1941), Propyläen-Verlag, Berlin 2000, 349 pp., € 20.-. Since 1996, a photo exhibition organized by a communist organization located in Hamburg, Germany, which featured…

New Aspects of Andreij Vlassov

On a spring day in East Prussia in 1945 an officer of the Red Army observed a mounted sergeant flaying a young Russian captive with a long leather knout. The captive was exhausted, half naked and completely covered in blood. Every time the whip cut into his flesh, the young man raised his bound hands…

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