An Introduction to GAB
In this, my first article for Inconvenient History, I submit for the kind reader’s attention the existence of the social-media website known to millions as ‘GAB,’ and also to the existence of a Holocaust revisionism working group comfortably ensconced there, by the name of “Holocaust, or Holohoax? Holodomor? Holocough?” at
Seeing as the CODOH Forum remains stubbornly offline for now, due to an act of unconscionable sabotage (and attempted naked monetary extortion), this might be a good time to alert the Seeker to the existence of this (1,232 member so far) GAB group. I confess I am one of four admins, we lightly moderate, and we encourage polite, reasoned dissent.
GAB, for me, has been an eye opener. I have been an active supporter since December 2017. I was warned/harassed or banned off several other sites, including Twitter, Facebook and Quora. GAB, on the other hand, has never bothered with me. Despite my writing extensively on the myth of the ‘6 million Jews’ and on ‘Jews’ and ‘Jewry’ in general.

Like many other sites, GAB uses the term ‘followers’ to describe those other users taking an interest in what I so furiously (and often) scribble down. I don’t actually have a great fondness for that phrase. In truth, many such folk become not just friends, but guides and mentors. Many have advanced degrees, and truly know what they are talking about. It is often I who should be following them. The resultant mutual feeding links and resources, back and forth, is a huge assist. The private chat message system works fine for me, and helps me discuss lots of troublesome WW2 historical events and decisions, many of which even today are widely misunderstood – or maybe worse: deliberately and cynically misrepresented. I often feel I am marching through life, surrounded by mist and fog, unsure from which direction the shouts of guidance are coming. Like a ship trying to find safe harbor, and avoid the cruel rocks. (“Over here! Over here!”) I am often not even sure whether the voices are sincere guides or malevolent entities, cruelly seeking my demise on the rocks of delusion.

GAB places at our disposal many useful tools, and we can create our own groups, mute users we don’t want, block users if need be, comment with mere symbols or words, and there is even an AI image generator, of which you see some examples here.
I have to say that I have changed my ideas on a number of key issues in the seven years I have been on GAB. The biggest changes, for sure, have been in the field of history. Especially the (alleged) Jewish ‘Holocaust’, purportedly at the hands of the ‘Nazis’. Ten years ago, I was a firm Holocaust believer, and I never doubted the awfulness of the German concentration camps and Hitler’s infernal gas chambers. I I had seen “Schindler’s List”, and I still remember recoiling in horror and pity at the sweet young Jewish fellow hiding despairingly in the latrine. So, what changed?

Well, it took a while. What finally got me seriously thinking for a (happy?) change were unknown Internet guides who were very patient with me, even kind. I was railing on, one day, about the scratch marks in the gas chamber walls. How could people be so cruel, I asked, to mock that? Those poor Jews? Scratching with their last, dying strength into the walls? Trying to claw their way out! Oh, how terrible!
If somebody had replied in sarcasm to me, or in a nasty tone, that I was an uninformed idiot, I would only have been hardened in my firm opinion that these Internet ‘Nazis’ were soulless morons, people devoid of compassion. But no, somebody very nicely asked me if I had ever tried scratching into solid concrete with my finger nails. Huh!? (Er…. No…. not really?). And it was there, and with similar very mellow comebacks from those (‘orrible?) Nazis, that the first flickering of doubt started seriously disturbing my previous cocksure conviction that I was brilliantly informed.

And there, I submit, dear Reader, is the nub of the challenge. You have to open your mind to the (remote) (absurd) (highly unlikely) possibility, that you are not actually quite as smart and informed on WW2 history and the ‘6 Million Jews’ as you actually thought. In retrospect, I know I was a blithering ignoramus.
Thank goodness for the ‘Nuke Book’. WWW.NUKEBOOK.ORG
Bibliographic information about this document: Inconvenient History, 2024, Vol. 16, No. 2
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