Inconvenient History

Vols. 1 to current issue · · 2009 to current year

Inconvenient History seeks to revive the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of modern warfare.

A PDF file containing Volumes 1 through 15, 2009 through 2023, can be downloaded here.
All individual IH volumes are also posted here on Links to the versions are helpful on sites which prohibit links to

Year Issues
Vol. 1 (2009) [PDF version]
Vol. 2 (2010) [PDF version]
Vol. 3 (2011) [PDF version]
Vol. 4 (2012) [PDF version]
Vol. 5 (2013) [PDF version]
Vol. 6 (2014) [PDF version]
Vol. 7 (2015) [PDF version]
Vol. 8 (2016) [PDF version]
Vol. 9 (2017) [PDF version]
Vol. 10 (2018) [PDF version]
Vol. 11 (2019) [PDF version]
Vol. 12 (2020) [PDF version]
Vol. 13 (2021) [PDF version]
Vol. 14 (2022) [PDF version]
Vol. 15 (2023) [PDF version]
Vol. 16 (2024)

A Premature News Report on a “Death Camp” for Jews

An alleged revisionist forgery In 1990, German revisionist Udo Walendy published an issue of his journal Historische Tatsachen (Historical Facts) entitled “Der Fall Treblinka” (“The Treblinka Case”) that focused on the numerous absurd allegations surrounding this supposed “pure extermination camp”. On one of the first pages of this publication Walendy has reproduced in facsimile a…

Gassing, Burning and Burying

Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that someone wanted to design and implement a systematic process for mass-murdering hundreds of thousands of people, in a short period of time, using poisonous gas. How might one go about doing this? This is the question that must have been brought to bear on certain high-ranking individuals in the Nazi…

No Peace for Rudolf Hess

In July news circled the globe that the body of Rudolf Hess, the one-time deputy to Adolf Hitler, was exhumed from a family funeral plot. His bones were cremated and scattered at an undisclosed location at sea. Karl-Willi Beck, the mayor of the Bavarian town of Wunsiedel where Hess was buried, justified the action by…

At War’s End

Recent headlines announcing that World War One had finally ended were sure to raise an eyebrow of those of us who noticed. While even on-going wars like those in Iraq and Afghanistan are minor media stories dwarfed by the latest extravagances and debauchery of Hollywood’s rich and famous and the momentary stars of “reality” TV,…

DEATHRIDE: Hitler vs. Stalin: the Eastern Front, 1941-1945

Deathride: Hitler vs. Stalin. The Eastern Front, 1941-1945, by John Mosier, Simon & Schuster, New York, 470 pages, 2010. Numerous histories of the titanic 1940s armed struggle between Germany and the Soviet Union have been presented to the mainstream reading public over the last half century or so, and for the most part they follow…

Evidence for the Presence of “Gassed” Jews in the Occupied Eastern Territories, Part 2

The following article is a continuation of Thomas Kues’s “Evidence for the Presence of ‘Gassed’ Jews in the Occupied Eastern Territories, Part 1.” Thomas Kues’s analysis takes up the revisionist proposal that Jews sent to the “extermination camps” and allegedly gassed there were in fact deloused and then sent away, the vast majority of them…

Going Underground

INTRODUCTION For many, the phrase “going underground” conjures up images of anti-establishment sub-cultures. Oftentimes, we think of groups or individuals “going underground” when their thoughts or ideas have resulted in persecution in mainstream society. Fyodor Dostoevsky utilized the term in his story “Notes from Underground,” his all-out assault on Enlightenment rationalism. Others may think of…

Paul Rassinier

Paul Rassinier, widely considered to be the father of Holocaust revisionism, is an unlikely man to have earned such a title. He was born on March 18, 1906 in Beaumont, France. Rassinier would never forget the memory of his father, Joseph, a farmer and a veteran of the French colonial army in Tonkin (present-day Vietnam)…

Halfway Between Reality and Myth: “Hitler’s Ten-Year War on the Jews” Reconsidered

In August 1943 the Institute of Jewish Affairs of the American/World Jewish Congress in New York published a volume entitled Hitler’s Ten-Year War on the Jews under the editorship of a certain Boris Schub. This surveyed the treatment of the Jews in each land occupied or controlled by Germany up to the time of publication,…

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