Inconvenient History

The Number of Victims of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp (1936-1945)

Every year on 22 April the liberation of Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp is duly commemorated. On this occasion, the press sometimes still mentions the figure of 100,000 victims who allegedly perished or were murdered at this camp. Although Sachsenhausen does not belong to the six “classic” extermination camps (Chelmno, Majdanek, Auschwitz, Belzec, Sobibor, Treblinka), the epithet…

Three Books on Treblinka

During recent years there have appeared from time to time new books on the Treblinka “death camp”. Compared with the vast number of Auschwitz-related publications, and considering the fact that, according to the exterminationist point of view, Treblinka claimed the second-highest number of victims among the six “death camps” (the victim figure given usually varies…

A Revisionist in Prison

1. Introduction For more than a decade now, revisionists have been sent to prison in many European countries. And it is to be expected that many more will follow before the legal situation will change. In this essay I want to give an insight into my own time in various U.S. and German prisons. I…

A Postcard from Auschwitz

The following is a true account of my personal visit to the camp. All photos are my own. Krakow is a beautiful city in early summer, the stand-out among southern Polish cities. Miraculously, the old city center survived both world wars unscathed. The huge central square is a sight to behold, and with no less than…


Night, by Elie Wiesel. Bantam Books, New York, 1982, 109 pp. In Night, written by Elie Wiesel, winner of the 1986 Nobel Peace Prize for literature, has, for such a small book, a very large reputation. I hasten to mention, however, the Bantam Books edition I am reviewing boasts the complete text of the original…

Christian Gerlach and the “Extermination Camp” at Mogilev

Christian Gerlach’s article, “Failure of Plans for an SS Extermination Camp in Mogilev, Byelorussia”[1] is a typical example of the historically baseless conclusions reached by Holocaust historians due to their technical ignorance, particularly in the field of crematory ovens and cremation. The article attempts to deduce an intention, on the part of the SS, to…

Historical Revisionism and “Relativizing the Holocaust”

Whether the received wisdom on an historical event can be subjected to scholarly scrutiny depends upon the method by which the subject is utilized by entrenched interests. Hence, let the scholar or student who embarks on the questioning of certain sacred cows beware lest he be damned for heresy. This essay examines a polemical technique…

John Demjanjuk: The Man More Sinned Against

“I am a man more sinned against than sinning!” (King Lear in Shakespeare’s King Lear) I John Demjanjuk is dead. The Age, Melbourne’s more intellectual daily newspaper, reported this on 19th March under the prejudicial and ambiguous heading ‘Nazi camp guard dead.’ Quoting the Washington Post, the newspaper referred to Demjanjuk as ‘the target of…

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