Inconvenient History

Vols. 1 to current issue · · 2009 to current year

Inconvenient History seeks to revive the true spirit of the historical revisionist movement; a movement that was established primarily to foster peace through an objective understanding of the causes of modern warfare.

A PDF file containing Volumes 1 through 15, 2009 through 2023, can be downloaded here.
All individual IH volumes are also posted here on Links to the versions are helpful on sites which prohibit links to

Year Issues
Vol. 1 (2009) [PDF version]
Vol. 2 (2010) [PDF version]
Vol. 3 (2011) [PDF version]
Vol. 4 (2012) [PDF version]
Vol. 5 (2013) [PDF version]
Vol. 6 (2014) [PDF version]
Vol. 7 (2015) [PDF version]
Vol. 8 (2016) [PDF version]
Vol. 9 (2017) [PDF version]
Vol. 10 (2018) [PDF version]
Vol. 11 (2019) [PDF version]
Vol. 12 (2020) [PDF version]
Vol. 13 (2021) [PDF version]
Vol. 14 (2022) [PDF version]
Vol. 15 (2023) [PDF version]
Vol. 16 (2024)

Evidence for the Presence of “Gassed” Jews in the Occupied Eastern Territories, Part 1

1. The Importance of the Search for the “Gassed” Jews According to mainstream historiography, during a period from December 1941 to the fall of 1944, millions of European Jews were murdered in homicidal gas chambers in six camps in Poland – the “combined concentration and extermination camps” of Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek (Lublin) and the “pure…

John T. Flynn

Born in 1882, in Bladensburg, Maryland, John Thomas Flynn was raised in a Catholic family. Though he never attended college, Flynn graduated from Georgetown Law School in the early years of the 20th century. While attending law school, Flynn enjoyed listening to Congressional debates on nearby Capitol Hill. One such debate was the January 9,…

Must We Loathe David Irving?

“The chief problem in historical honesty is not outright lying. It is omission or de-emphasis of important data. The definition of ‘important,’ of course, depends on one’s values.” —Howard Zinn, Failure To Quit This year marks the tenth anniversary of the David Irving – Deborah Lipstadt libel trial. Irving sued Lipstadt and Penguin Books for…

Goebbels on the Jews, Part 2

In Part 1 of this article, I gave a brief explanation of the history of the diaries of Joseph Goebbels, the number two man in the Nazi hierarchy after Hitler himself. For more than 20 years Goebbels maintained a detailed, personal diary that included reflections on all aspects of the war. Of special interest are…

Murray Rothbard

Murray Rothbard’s works taken as a whole “present the equivalent of a unified field theory of the social sciences,” according to his biographer.[1] Born in 1926 in the Bronx to Russian-Jewish parents, he was a polymath of such broad erudition and accomplishment that his nominal classification as an “economist” captures a good deal less than…

A Lucky Child

A Lucky Child, by Thomas Buergenthal, Profile Books, London; 2009, 231pp. The sad story of Holocaust ‘witnesses’ is well-known to revisionists. It is a tale of obscure individuals making outrageous claims of gassings and mass murder, often based on hearsay and rumor, often self-contradictory, and often in conflict with other witnesses, with material evidence, and…

Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior

Outbreak! The Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Social Behavior, by Hilary Evans, M.A. and Robert Bartholomew, Ph.D. Anomalist Books, 2009. 784 pp. Hilary Evans is a British historian and a prolific author who has written dozens books on subjects ranging from Victorian private life to flying saucers. Robert Bartholomew is an accredited sociologist and a recognized authority…

The First Casualty

Ten years following the cessation of the First World War, Arthur Ponsonby, a member of British Parliament published his ground-breaking study, Falsehood in War-Time: Containing an Assortment of Lies Circulated Throughout the Nations’ During the Great War. Ponsonby’s book begins with several quotes, the most well-remembered being “When war is declared, truth is the first…

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