Smith’s Report

On the Holocaust Controversy

Nos. 1 to 220 · · 1990 to 2016

Revisionist News & Comments


Publishers: CODOH
Established: 1990 by Bradley Reed Smith. The Newsletter ceased to appear with the passing of Bradley in early 2016. It informed the reader of what Bradley R. Smith was doing personally to promote open debate on the Holocaust story. It did not attempt to monitor the Revisionist movement. Smith’s Report appeared several times a year, and was sent free to those who helped Smith with contributions, clippings or in other ways.
Chief Editor: Bradley Smith (1990-2014); Jett Rucker (2015-2016)
All issues are archived here as PDF, and many as html.
PLEASE NOTE: Research papers and reviews ought to be submitted to Inconvenient History.

Back Issues

You can either download each copy as a PDF file (first table; clicking on some of the year numbers will download a file containing all issues of that year) or read each individual paper online (of older issues, only some articles have been posted so far; pull up the table of contents for each issue from the second table below, or navigate the Category menu to the left).

Smith’s Report, PDF files of each issue
Year Issues
1990 No. 1 No. 2
1991 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8
1992 No. 9 No. 10 No. 11 No. 12
1993 No. 13 No. 14 No. 15 & 16
1994 No. 17 No. 18
1995 No. 19 No. 20 No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No. 24 No. 25 No. 26 No. 27 No. 28 No. 29
1996 No. 30 No. 31 No. 32 No. 33 No. 34 No. 35 No. 36 No. 37 No. 38
1997 No. 39 No. 40 No. 41 No. 42 No. 43 No. 44 No. 45 No. 46 No. 47 No. 48 No. 49
1998 No. 50 No. 51 No. 52 No. 53 No. 54 No. 55 No. 56 No. 57 No. 58 No. 59 No. 60
1999 No. 61 No. 62 No. 63 No. 64 No. 65 No. 66
2000 No. 67 No. 68 No. 69 No. 70 No. 71 No. 72 No. 73 No. 74 No. 75
2001 No. 76 No. 77 No. 78 No. 79 No. 80 No. 81 No. 82 No. 83 No. 84 No. 85 No. 86
2002 No. 87 No. 88 No. 89 No. 90 No. 91 No. 92 No. 93 No. 94 No. 95
2003 No. 96 No. 97 No. 98 No. 99 No. 100 No. 101 No. 102
2004 No. 103 No. 104 No. 105 No. 106 No. 107 No. 108 No. 109 No. 110 No. 111
2005 No. 112 No. 113 No. 114 No. 115 No. 116 No. 117 No. 118 No. 119 No. 120 No. 121 No. 122 No. 123
2006 No. 124 No. 125 No. 126 No. 127 No. 128 No. 129 No. 130 No. 131 No. 132 No. 133 No. 134
2007 No. 135 No. 136 No. 137 No. 138 No. 139 No. 140 No. 141 No. 142 No. 143 No. 144 No. 145
2008 No. 146 No. 147 No. 148 No. 149 No. 150 No. 151 No. 152 No. 153 No. 154 No. 155 No. 156
2009 No. 157 No. 158 No. 159 No. 160 No. 161 No. 162 No. 163 No. 164 No. 165 No. 166 No. 167
2010 No. 168 No. 169 No. 170 No. 171 No. 172 No. 173 No. 174 No. 175 No. 176 No. 177
2011 No. 178 No. 179 No. 180 No. 181 No. 182 No. 183 No. 184 No. 185 No. 186 No. 187
2012 No. 188 No. 189 No. 190 No. 191 No. 192 No. 193 No. 194
2013 No. 195 No. 196 No. 197 No. 198 No. 199 No. 200 No. 201
2014 No. 202 No. 203 No. 204 No. 205 No. 206 No. 207 No. 208 No. 209 No. 210 No. 211
2015 No. 212 No. 213 No. 214 No. 215 No. 216 No. 217 No. 218
2016 No. 219 No. 220

The next table links to the subfolders of each issue, in many cases containing the contents of each issue in html for online viewing:

Year Issues

Sensational Data

These documents, devoid of any real meaning, are the focus of yet another Holocaust sensationalism. Austria's largest newspaper, the tabloid Kronen Zeitung, published this breathless report (in German) on 6,300 census forms recently found inside an interior wall in a mansion close by the Parliament building in Budapest. The forms, circulated in four districts of…

Irishman Sentenced to Five Months in Jail for Doubting the “Holocaust”

Irish Independent, October 29, 2015 Man put axe through TV in town square in 'performance art piece' to further his claims Holocaust did not take place By Gordon Deegan A judge has jailed a "Holocaust denier" for five months for using performance art in the public square in Ennis to further his claims that the…

A Modest Proposal for Chancellor Merkel

Angela Merkel during the 51st Munich Security Conference 2015(photo by Marc Mueller; Germany—or the German government and its taxpayers, anyway—is all things to all people, at least so far as money, weapons and even Lebensraum (living space) are concerned. While Germany was still digging itself out of its own rubble, in 1952, then-Chancellor Konrad…

Revisionist Activities

Jim Rizoli has created another mesmerizing documentary of “Extraordinary Revisionists.” This one features the “revisionist patriarch” Prof. em. Dr. Robert Faurisson in an almost 2-hour Skype interview (captured from the screen with a camera, with Faurisson’s sound over the phone). The interview summarizes Faurisson’s revisionist ordeal from his feelings during and after the war, the…

Gerhard Ittner: When Revisionists Are Called Terrorists

“The fight for freedom of speech cannot be fought within the confines of the dictatorship of today’s Germany; it has to be fought from abroad.”—Gerhard Ittner The way the courts in Germany behave with those who dare to express doubts and disagreement with the orthodox historical narrative of the Holocaust, including revisionists who do serious…

Radical Press Editor Arthur Topham Arrested in Canada

Quesnel, British Columbia, October 27 – Canadian Arthur Topham, 68, is a British Columbia (B.C.) placer miner who in his spare time operates the “Radical Press,” contrarian website. On May 16, 2012 he was on his way to work at his mining operation when he was arrested by several police officers, handcuffed and charged with…

Renew your Subscription NOW!

Subscription Renewals This issue of Smith’s Report has a letter included asking most of you print edition subscribers to please consider renewing their subscription. This is a new approach for us. In the past, Smith’s Report was based not on subscriptions, but on whoever had recently donated some considerable amount to CODOH and/or Bradley Smith….


Willis Carto Passed Away! Hours before sending this issue to the printer, we received the message that Willis A. Carto died on Monday, October 26, 2015. See the online obituary here: *** The CODOH trustees write in SR #216: “Hurray, we did it! CODOH is now officially a Charitable Trust, has its own Tax…

This Is What CODOH Should Do

Below we reprint a number of reactions to last issue’s call for input regarding CODOH’s future. In contrast to the print version of Smith's Report, we reproduce them here here all and completely. My comments are inserted after some entries in italics.—GR We are of course fortunate to have an academic researcher on the codoh…

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